
Mental Health Awareness Training – New for Arts Facilitators

‘Noticing Dissilience and Promoting Resilience in People with Mental Health Issues’

Facilitated by Mary Stephanou, Art Psychotherapist, Creative Expressive Therapies Practitioner and artist

This piece of training is designed for arts facilitators who work with vulnerable children and adults in the community. The day will comprise of:

  • An overview of mental illness and the differing vulnerabilities within the community.
  • Examples of strategies that can be used in workshops to: prevent, de-escalate and “manage” challenging or distressing situations.
  • Discuss the differences between therapeutic arts and arts therapy.
  • Reflect on how to keep your self and participants safe, including the importance of self-care.
  • Participate in an arts workshop and critically reflect on how techniques within the workshop can be utilized in your role.


  • Understand the mental health difficulties that may present in workshops.
  • Focus on the importance of boundaries, containment and safe practice.
  • Creatively explore tools that promote resilience.
  • Consider ways to stay safe as a facilitator and see links between participant and facilitator’s emotional wellbeing.

Contact Keren Adler for expressions of interest, booking and further information

[email protected] / mobile: 07807 753574




Dissilience (n): The act of bursting apart or out (emergence, growth, becoming visible)

Resilience (n): The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness.


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